We probably won’t help you move, but…we have boxes!


Part of this journey having a child with a life-limiting illness involves finding humour along the way. In fact, I’ve found it needs to be a BIG part of the journey to help counteract the seriousness of the daily life. We have very stressful, busy, exhausting lives, you see.

So, when it comes time for you to move house, dear friends, we most likely won’t be able to help you move. We’re sorry, really. Between not having anyone capable of minding our fragile child, to our backs that barely move as they should, to falling asleep at random moments, well, we probably just can’t. We’d love nothing more than to be free enough to help, though. But wait, we aren’t a lost cause!! No, in fact we may just have exactly what you need for your move!


And I mean all kinds of boxes – tiny, small, medium, medium large, large, extra large! You name your size and tell us how many you need and we will GLADLY unload…I mean, kindly let you have…some of our stock.

And as this blog is about the journey, after all, you should know our houses generally look like a warehouse. When you walk in the door, you may be greeted by a stack of boxes filled with feeding line supplies or nappies stacked taller than you are. Don’t be too intimidated. We’ve stacked them just right so they won’t fall over on you.

Or when you enter the sitting room, you may discover that you are actually not sitting on a couch, but rather on a cleverly disguised and brilliantly situated row of supply boxes covered with the most fashionable of blankets. And here you thought we weren’t good at decorating, didn’t you? Ha!

Just please don’t look under the beds. God only knows what you could find there. Oh, and skip the wardrobes too. There probably isn’t clothing in half of them. Just throw your coat on the “couch” while we put the kettle on. Now, sit down and I’ll get the biscuits with your boxes. Tea, I mean biscuits with your tea…

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